Easy Coffee Whipped Cream

Easy Coffee Whipped Cream

A top-quality homemade whipped cream is one of the best recipes you can have in your kitchen arsenal. It's incredibly delicious, it shocks guests when you tell them you whipped it yourself, and you can add in just about anything you'd like.

Like, I don't know, maybe TBD Coffee?

You can pull a double whammy and use this homemade coffee whipped cream on top of your morning mug or as a topper to scones, cupcakes, ice cream sundaes etc etc etc. Get crazy.

You need two ingredients and some sort of hand mixer/whisk situation. (Video directions below!)


Heavy Whipping Cream

Finely Ground Coffee Beans (start with a teaspoon and add more if needed)

When Choosing the Coffee:

You can buy whole bean, if your grinder has a fine ground option, or purchase espresso grind. We conveniently sell all of our coffee in both options *smirk smirk*.

You can stick with a classic dark roast  or try a flavored coffee like mint or Mexican chocolate.


Mix a teaspoon of finely ground coffee per every 8 oz of heavy whipping cream in a bowl and mix until stiff peaks form. That's it. I like to pop it in the fridge for at least 20 minutes before serving so it has time to set.

For a little added fun, raid your cabinet and toss in something extra.

My tried and true optional add ins:

  • Almond Extract
  • Mint Extract
  • Nutella (just a bit or it gets too heavy)
  • Cinnamon
  • Dark Chocolate Baking Powder
  • Cayenne Pepper (for the spicy fans)
  • Maple Syrup
  • Bourbon
  • Jam

I'm always looking for new ones to try, so if you have an idea for an add-in, drop it in the comments!

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