"I have a French Press somewhere in one of my cupboards. I always mess it up so I just stopped using it."
I've heard this from so many customers. Too many. I'm alarmed.
I get it. The French Press brewing method is quick and easy, but there are 4 essential things that, if ignored, can completely mess up your brew, and there's 1 hack that makes it WAY better.
I've outlined them here, provided a full How To guide and even included a step-by-step video below for good measure so I swear if I hear any of you say you messed this up.........Just kidding! Mostly.
Four ways to mess it up:
- If the water is too hot, you'll burn your coffee.
- If the grounds are left to steep for too long, the coffee will very quickly become bitter
- Always. Use. Filtered. Water. Yes, it changes the flavor.
- You must use an even, coarse grind.
The hack to make it better:
- Stirring. Start with only half of the necessary water, then 30 seconds into the brew, give your grounds a stir.
How to make the perfect French Press:
So now let's take it from the top.
How do i use a french press machine?
We recommend using a dark roast coffee for this brew method, because it tends to brew a bit on the lighter side, so starting with a sturdy base gives you more wiggle room.
You can buy any TBD Coffee Co beans pre-ground in a French Press grind or whole bean to grind yourself (or drip and espresso grinds for that matter). If you're grinding your own beans, be sure to google the exact French Press grind settings for your specific grinder. An even, coarse grind is essential for this brewing method, otherwise the coffee with extract too slowly/quickly/unevenly.
I use the Baratza Encore and grind at a 28.
- Measure out about 2 heaping tablespoons per 1 cup of filtered water.
- Using filtered water (remember, we talked about this above), heat your water to 200 degrees. If you don't have an electric kettle, don't leave yet! There's a hack for that too! Heat your water until it boils, then remove it from the heat and let it sit for 30 seconds, so it cools down to just below boiling (or, for you science nerds, 200 degrees).
- Add half of your hot water to the coffee grounds. Pause for 30 seconds.
- Give it a stir.
- Add the rest of your water, place the top on without plunging and steep for 3 more minutes.
- Push the top down.
- Pour immediately. It's extremely important to serve your brew as soon as it's ready, because the longer the coffee sits in the hot water, the longer it steeps, and it only takes a bit longer to become bitter. Our coffee isn't bitter, so don't serve it that way *awkward smile, somewhere between threatening and pleading*
Then enjoy!
Let us know how your French Press coffee turns out in the comments!
Recommended coffee: Per My Last Email Dark Roast.
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